Ladies and Gents,
Neithers and Betweeners,

I present to you a collection of individuals who transcend beauty into a realm of danger and extravagance. Each member within this collection was chosen for their deep rooted talent, power, and genuine star quality. I used my textiles to conceptualize and construct garments that would unlock and display the dangerously beautiful souls of these lovely humans.

Years and thousands of painstaking hours have gone into the creation of these textiles and the garments they embody. Though these pieces were conceptualized, designed, drafted, and constructed by myself; through the process of this show, I have learned the importance of collaboration and the beauty it can behold. I must mention a significant gratitude to three collaborators who made this event possible by assisting me in the month leading up to this show by keeping me sane and taking some of the burden from my achey hands. @bovine_betch @ginger_nick123 @passionsofxanxor and the fellow members of the family that is the Haus of Danger who keep the vision alive every day @alonepolecat @erez_cookie @matthew_dews
I am so beyond Grateful to have such a grand network of beautifully dangerous individuals and artists to bring this vision to life and I couldn’t be happier to welcome you all to the Danger family.
In order of appearance:

Brilliant runway video from the perspective of 

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